Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Tenses for Toefl

TENSES: Special verb endings or accompanying auxiliary verbs signal the time an event takes palce.
Tenses adalah perubahan bentuk verbs yang disebabkan oleh waktu kejadian. Secara garis besar waktu kejadian dapat dibedakan menjadi PRESENT dan PAST.
Susi goes to campus by bus.
I went to Jakarta last week.
Simple PAST

He is reading newspaper.
PRESENT progressive tense
He was reading newspaper.
PAST progressive tense
 Simple Present Tense
1.      Simple present Tense
Berfungsi untuk menceritakan/ menyatakan suatu peristiwa/ kejadian yang bersifat kebiasaan, yang berulang-ulang, yang permanent / terus-menerus (habits, routines, repeated actions, permanent actions, general truth).
My sister lives in Jakarta.
My boyfriend comes here every Sunday.
(repeated actions)
The earth goes around the sun.
(general truth)

They, we, you, I

He, She, It

Keterangan waktu yang sering dipakai: every, once a day, twice a week, three times a month; always, often, usually, sometimes.
2. Simple Past Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau.
Subject + Verb-2
Setiawan went to Spain last year.
  1. Maria did her work last night.
  2. She was sick yesterday
Keterangan waktu: last ……, …..ago, yesterday, this morning, just now, in 1994, etc.
3. Present Continuous Tense
Present Progressive Tense atau Present Continuous Tense bisa digunakan untuk:
Menceritakan/ menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung sekarang ini.
Rita is watching television.
Listen! She is singing a good song.

Menceritakan/ menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan terjadi segera.
Subject + to be (is/ am/ are) + Veb-ing
  • Setiawan is leaving for Singapore tomorrow.
  • I am coming to your house soon.
Keterangan waktu : Now, right now, at present, at this moment, for the time being; Listen! Shhh! Look!, etc

4. Past Continuous Tense
Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung di waktu lampau pada saat kejadian/ kegiatan lain terjadi.
S + was / were + V-ing
When + (simple past ), past continuous
Past continuous + when + past tense
  1. The engine was running when it suddenly stopped.
  2. When Rina came home, Susi was watching television.
Untuk menyatakan dua kegiatan yang berlangsung bersamaan di waktu lampau.
(past continuous) + while + (past continuous)
While + (past continuous), + (past continuous)
  1. Rina was watching television while Susi was reading a book.
  2. While Susi was reading a book, Rina was watching television.
5. Simple Future Tense
Digunakan untuk menceritakan/ menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang.
S + will/ shall + V1
S + is/ am/ are + going to + V1

Catatan : ‘shall’ = umumnya dipakai untuk subyek ‘I’ dan ‘We’
‘will’ = bisa digunakan untuk semua subyek.
Shall/ will = ‘akan’ yang tidak terencana, akan terjadi bilamana suatu kondisi tertentu terpenuhi.
To be + going to = ‘akan’ yang sudah terencana atau sudah pasti.
  1. I shall meet you tomorrow.
  2. I will go and shut it.
  3. He will come if I ask him.
  4. Look at those black cloud! It is going to rain.
  5. Oh, I feel terrible. I think I am going to be sick.
6. Future Continuous Tense
Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yanga akan sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu pada masa yang akan datang.
S + will/ shall + be + V-ing
  1. Football begins at 5.30 and ends at 9.15. Tom will be watching the match at 8.30.
  2. This time next week I will be sailing to Netherland.
Keterangan waktu: this time next ……, at 7 o’clock, tomorrow
7. Present Perfect Tense
Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang telah selesai dilaksanakan. Atau Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang dimulai pada masa lampau dan sekarang sudah selesai.
S + have/ has + Verb-3
  1. We have already written our reports.
  2. Rita has already read the entire book.
Keterangn waktu pada pola ini: for, since, already, yet, lately, recently
8. Past Perfect Tense
Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan/ tindakan yang telah dilakukan di waktu lampau ketika peristiwa lain juga terjadi . Atau pola ini untuk menjelaskan dua kejadian dimana kejadian pertama mendahului kejadian kedua.
S + had + V3

(Past perfect Tense) + before + (Simple Past Tense)
Rina had gone to the store before she went home.

Before + (Simple Past Tense ), + ( Past perfect Tense )
Before Rina went to campus, she had had her breakfast.

After + (Past perfect Tense ) + ( Simple Past Tense )
After Rina had had her breakfast, she went to campus.

(Simple Past Tense) + After + (Past perfect Tense )
Rina went to campus after she had had her breakfast.

8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang dimulainya pada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung sampai sekarang.
S + have/ has + been+ V-ing
  1. Gunawan has been working in Bandung for three years.
  2. Over the past few years medical doctors have been searching for a drug to control the AIDS virus.
  3. One of my friends has been working in this company since he graduated.
  4. All these years, Rita’s family has been living in poverty.
9. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang telah dilakukan pada waktu lampau dan kegiatan itu terus berlangsung ketika peristiwa/ kegiatan lain juga terjadi. Atau pola kalimat ini untuk menjelaskan dua kejadian dimana kejadian pertama lebih dulu terjadi dan masih berlangsung hingga muncul kejadian kedua.
S + had been + V-ing
  1. Kate had been living in New York for ten years before she moved to Boston.
  2. Setiawan had been working in the electronic company for five years before he got a new job here.
  3. I had been waiting for a bus for twenty minutes when I met Mr. Rudy.
10. Future Perfect Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan/ aktivitas yang terjadi dan selesai pada saat kegiatan lain berlangsung di waktu yang akan datang.
S + will/ shall + be + V3
By the time we come home, the boys will have finished their homework.
  1. I can lend you the book next week because by the time I will have finished reading it.
  2. By the end of this week, I will have been back from Malaysia.
11. Future Perfect Continuous

Pada dasarnya sama dengan future perfect, hanya saja tense ini lebih menekankan pada saat terjadinya peristiwa. Tense ini umumnya mengisyaratkan suatu peristiwa berdurasi di waktu mendatang.
S + will/ shall + have + been + V-ing
  1. Yuni will have been studying all next week.”
  2. I will have been living here for ten years by the end of this year.

Source: toeflenglish